I can't really believe it's been 4 months since I posted something. WOW! How embarrassed am I? Sorry folks! Life has taken some interesting turns, and I hope you'll forgive me when you learn why. But I'm really sorry for neglecting my blogging duties! I promise, I'm back!
So besides that ridiculous snowstorm that happened the day after Christmas (yeah, what was that about??), both of my fiance's grandparents died within a month of each other. I mean, they weren't necessarily at 100%, but I was holding out a little bit of hope that they were going to make it to the wedding. I am thankful I was able to meet them at least, and they lived long enough to see their two great-grandchildren (fiance's niece and nephew). And I know what I'm about to say is a little, um, unorthodox, but the amazing thing about having witnessed these two deaths is that I think now believe that death by broken heart is really a legitimate cause of death. My fiance's grandfather died first, and literally, just five or six days later, his grandmother followed suit. How in love must they have been for one not to be able to go on without the other? It's as sad as it is inspiring. I'm not an optimist, but I'm a softee and that hits me right there. Le sigh. So I think on our wedding day, I will leave a symbolic empty chair in the front row on both sides for both sets of grandparents.
In work news, my firm was selected to do the exhibit design for the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture! I am super excited but unfortunately, having been promised to other projects already, I won't really be getting my hands dirty until next year. It's an exciting time nonetheless, and something I'm looking forward to it!
The wedding planning has been up and down. Deaths in the family always remind people of those they should have invited, which inevitably almost happened. Our guest list, and budget, have since ballooned - so much so that even all of the free and free-ish stuff we've managed to get hasn't really saved us much of anything. Another post on that later - and hopefully a lesson to you out there! So we've been trying to pick up the pieces, since we can't uninvite people at this stage. We will sadly have to cut back on some things that we wanted to do to make our a day a little bit more extra special. Probably my first real bridezilla moment, but I think I was in my right ;) I can hardly believe the big day is just a few months away! I am giving you fair warning though, that I will probably experience some serious WPW (Wedding Planning Withdrawl) so I'm gonna have to hit you with a little more wedding stuff even after all is said and done. You'll indulge me that, right?
And now back to your regularly scheduled blogging...
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